Saturday, April 28, 2012

Voting...Obama style

It seems that most of the country is fed up with voter fraud. This not only includes illegal aliens voting and dead people voting but people voting many times in different names. We've all heard the stories where there were more votes in an area than there were people. Now Congress wants to get a Voter ID law put in place. Of course there is some resistance to this. Those that oppose such a bill are primarily Democrats and all of the Black Caucus. Now ask yourself, why would those people not want a fair election. Isn't it obvious; in the last election, voter fraud ran unchallenged and is being put in place right now for the November election. Now here's the sneaky thing that can guarantee that voter fraud can take place without detection. This administration has contracted with an independent company (known as SCYT) to have all the votes entered into a central server for final tabulation. This way, all traceability of who voted and where can be eliminated. However, SCYT was just sold to a company in Spain (SOE) that will now be handling our next election. And so there's a new way, in this modern age to promote voter fraud. Not only can the computers be hacked from anywhere in the world, they can be programmed to accept or delete any votes that the people running them want. So, bottom line is that since Obama has had a problem "buying votes" from the members of the Electoral College (who vote for the President, not you); he's come up with this scheme. Short of a national recall (which of course won't happen), Obama will be reelected along with his Democrat cronies (Reed, Pelosi, etc.) and the Constitution will become a "thing of the past".