Thursday, December 22, 2011


Well, Obama screwed up again.......we all saw this coming.
In order to be able to say that he did something positive while in office, he's going to flaunt how he "ended the war in Iraq" and how he brought our troops home.
First of all, the "war" in Iraq was never declared and we should have never been there in the first place (Bush's blunder).
Second of all, once we're in, why leave a job half done ? We're still in So. Korea, So. Viet Nam, Japan, Germany, etc. many, many years after our conflicts and wars are over. What was different about Iraq?
Now, within days of our leaving, it's business as usual in Iraq, with bombs and suicide bombers all over the place.
Everyone (except an incompetent President Obama) knew that once he announced our departure dates, they just had to sit back and wait. In addition to civil strife breaking out, this is an opportunity for our enemy, Iran to move in and further establish another stronghold of terrorism.
What a waste of lives and money..............and we're still fighting another undeclared, unwinnable war in Afghanistan. Why don't we just let those "sand monkeys" kill each other off and resolve their own problems ?
No one in that region (the Arab states) can be trusted nor are any of them our friends or allies.
It's bad enough that Obama can't run this country, he certainly won't listen to his advisors and is trying to run the world. What a waste his term in office has been...............
Of course he'll say, "I killed Bin Laden and his second in command, I brought Health Care to everyone, I ended the war and brought our troops home......everything else is Congresses fault."
The world is in a very delicate position with the uncertainty in Europe, in No. Korea, in the Middle East, and certainly our own economy. If we don't solve our own problems by getting rid of Obama and the present Congress, we're headed for the same fall as Europe is heading for.
And, let's not forget the systematic infiltration of islam in both Europe and the United States.
The Middle East wars have cost us more than if we had housed, clothed and fed everyone at and below the poverty level as well as all of the homeless for many, many years. What about all of the troops coming home now ? Are there jobs for them ? Is there a place to live for them ? Is there any compensation for putting their lives on the line for the rest of us ? The answer is NO ! Most of them are on their own.
This regime has to be changed and we might get the chance next November (assuming the ballot boxes aren't stuffed with dead people's votes and illegal's multiple votes, all coordinated by Obama's thugs, ACORN (that gets millions in government grants).
To sum up....................Obama is a failure, do not let him continue to destroy this country.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fixing Congress

As of today, our Congress has a 17% approval rating. This is the lowest since records were kept on this (1974).
Obviously, Congress is no longer representing the people of the United States. Congress is divided between two parties that refuse to listen to each other and do what's right for the country rather than themselves.
This is understandable (not moral) in the fact that one can become very wealthy as a Congress member. However, the discussion about Congressional corruption is another subject.

Here are a few suggestions to make our Representatives and Senators more responsible to us:
(1) Since they spend the majority of their time in fund raising for re-election, contributions should be only from individual living persons and limited to no more than $100,000 per person. This would limit their campaign "blitzes" of misinformation.
(2) Congress shall meet for no more than 8 months of the year. The rest of the time they required to go among the people of their district(s) to know what the problems are and to come up with solutions when Congress meets.
(3) After every vote, they must go before the people in their district(s) to justify their vote and position. This would help keep them from voting for things they haven't even discussed and expose them to their voters.
(4) Cut back their salaries to 70% of what they're paid now and limit their time to no more than 200 hours per year with lobbyists.
(5) Limit their time in office to no more than two terms. This would minimize career politicians, thus allowing new ideas to be brought forth in future Congresses.
(6) Most of all, any member of Congress, their family or friends that is proven to have profited in any way, be prosecuted, serve a jail term, pay a large fine and be banned from any form of politics for life.

These six suggestions won't completely solve the problem that we have with Congress, but it's a good start in getting Congress to do what's best for our country rather than what's best for them.
If you have any additional suggestions, I'd like to hear from you.