Sunday, September 12, 2010

The myth of islamaphobia

OK, this islamaphobia has gone too far. It is not a phobia but a real fear.
First of all, do you understand that islam IS NOT a religion, it's a Political Ideology such as Nazism and Communism. Islam means "submission". Islam does not espouse a better life, it is all about being subservient.
The problem that exists today is that everyone is looking back and saying the the Christians did the same atrocities such as the Inquisition. That was then, the Holocaust happened...and that was then, etc.
Today, the largest birthrate throughout the world are muslims. And you know when they populate an area or nation by more than 2%, they become demanding and resort to violence as their koran instructs them to.
Let me ask you; how many muslims do you know that have showed any remorse, embarrassment or apologized
for 9/11 ??? The majority have outwardly praised the destruction of the Trade Center as an attack on "the heart of America".
This is not a religious war between America and islam. Islam attacked us and continues to do so not only from foreign countries, but from inside our country by citizens that are muslim.
Read the koran and you'll see that islam IS NOT a religion of peace and tolerance. The lie that it is was perpetuated by the islamic community. Unfortunately, most muslims in this country, have never read the koran all the way through. Muslims in the middle east are mostly illiterate and are told what it says by imams that don't quote it exactly.
The reason that islam is forced on others "By The Sword" is that no one would become a muslim otherwise.
Do you want to live under sharia law ? Do you even know what sharia law is ? Sharia law prohibits you from liberal education, scientific advancement, freedom of speech, etc. Females are considered as chattel and have no rights other than to serve their male masters to produce more muslims.
Get yourself educated about islam so you can understand that what are called "that small group of muslim radicals" is actually 99.9% of all muslims. Every day, in this country, muslims are arrested for plotting death and destruction in this country. The FBI trys to keep this quiet in order to not insight riots aqgainst the muslim communities in America. If you believe that most muslims are peaceful, you are helping their cause of taking over the world and instituting sharia law.
Being that islam is a political ideology, by imprisoning and deporting ALL muslims is not a violation of the Constitutional freedom of religion. Islam should be in the same category as the KKK or Nazis in this country.
ALL muslims should be stripped of their citizenship as they (by definition) are un-American. The rest should be deported to their countries of origin. If America isn't purged of islam soon, it will be too late.
Hey, I'm just saying it the way it is. Look into it for a little research and you too will become alarmed.