Wait Laws
As a child, when I first heard the term "Wait Laws", I wondered why there needed to be any laws about waiting. After a while, I noticed "NO LOITERING" signs and assumed that was one of the wait laws. In time I came to realize that I had mis-heard the term and what people were really saying was "weight loss". Duh...how silly of me.
I have a hard time understanding being overweight. Over one third of our population is already obese and some of them are morbidly obese. Of the remaining two thirds, half of them are overweight. This appears to be a problem in our society.
The solution seems simple; eat less and move more.
How can people go around bitching about their "weight problem" and do nothing about it ? Some have and failed because they refuse to either follow their doctor's instructions or are just too undisciplined to change their lifestyle. After talking to a few doctors that specialize in weight loss, the general consensus was that if these people went to a psychiatrist, the weight loss doctors would soon be out of business.
If you are fat, change your eating habits and move around a lot more. Sure, in the beginning it might seem like you're doing your best...no you aren't; you can do better. Gluttony is a mental condition not a physical condition.
Besides looking gross, the drain on both society and your family in terms of expense for controlling all of the things that being overweight brings with it such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart failure, etc. you are an emotional burden on those that care about you.
I don't know how many times I've heard from fat people the phrase, "I've tried everything". I do believe that they've actually tried just about everything and never followed through on anything...they're still fat. The bookstores are filled with every kind of diet from the practical to the ridiculous. Most of those diets work; but only if you stick with them for the rest of your life.
I also know people that were honest and sincere with themselves and took control of their lives and lost that excess weight. Once they saw that their health and social life greatly improved, they stayed with what made them loose all that weight.
Sure, there is that occasional person that truly does have a metabolism problem, but there are medications to help that. Until I realized that one can control their weight, I used to feel sorry for fat people...the things that were said behind their backs, the discrimination in the workplace, the loss of a full social life, the things and places they couldn't be a part of, etc. I can no longer feel sorry for them. As a matter of fact, I view them as less competition in my life.
By now, some of you reading this are calling me every name under the sun and insisting that I don't understand. I really don't care what you think of me as I've gotten over my weight problem many years ago and have not been overweight since.
Be honest................you're too lazy to get rid of that fat ass of yours and just want to bitch about it instead of doing what has to be done. Eat right, exercise and stick with it forever.