Monday, March 10, 2008

Alternative Energy

As the cost of energy keeps going up, we have to seek other alternatives.
Trying the "renewable sources" such as corn or other plant crops is even more costly than gasoline which it would replace. Since solar, wind and atomic sources can't be used in our vehicles and other machines, they too are not a viable solution.
Since the only oil producing nation that is using its oil profits to better its people and future is Qatar and all of the other oil producers are funding the downfall of the United States of America; the availability for inexpensive oil becomes very obvious.
Since all of those countries are our enemy, then why not wage all out, full scale war on any nation that produces oil (anywhere in the world) and will sell it for more than $10/ barrel. Every nation producing oil does so using our technology, expertise and why not take over the oil industry as one of the major industries completely controlled by the United States ?
Since no nation can stand up to our military (when used correctly), the only thing in the way of this plan is our need for political correctness and our corrosive media.
You're probably saying to yourself that I must be crazy in thinking that the United States should attack nations all over the world and take their oil.
Wrong...every oil producer has attacked us and is taking all of our money, property, resources and way of life. When is it time that we fight back ?
Political correctness is what has gotten us into this problem in the first place.
Most of the world's problems will cease if islam is eradicated and oil becomes inexpensive. In your mind, you know this is your heart, you'd rather not be politically incorrect. That means that you deserve to live under islamic law with $50/ gallon gasoline. The longer that muslims and other oil producers are allowed to extort the rest of the world, the harder it becomes to reverse this situation. It soon will be irreversible and their plan will have worked in forcing you to give up your way of life.
Sit back, do nothing, don't even prepare for what's inevitable. That will automatically make you their ally and my enemy..............

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Another Wake-Up Call

Everywhere in the world except in the United States, institutions shuddered with the price of oil jumping $5 in a single day. Only in the United States did people go about their business saying, "ho hum, so gasoline will be over $4 by this summer, ho hum". The rest of the world said, "oh oh...the s---t's about to hit the fan".
Since this war we're engaged in against terrorism is against an ideology, not against a particular country or uniformed soldiers, there is no need to continue it since conventional war makes no sense. With the oil producing countries financing the muslims with billions of our dollars each month, they need to preserve the value of their oil. Being that oil is bought and sold in dollars; and the dollar has fallen to 2/3 of a Euro. Either the price of oil must go up or oil must be traded in Euros instead of dollars.
Wake up people...............don't you see what's happening? This isn't something that won't affect you for years; it's already starting to take its toll on you.
While you're distracted with the nonsense of elections (that you don't get to vote in), wars (that can't be won) saving the planet (which you have no control over), etc.; your cost of living is creeping up daily while your lifestyle is slowly fading away. The price of gasoline will mean nothing when you can't afford to pay the prices that food is climbing to.
Why are we continuing to finance our enemy ? Why aren't we fighting our enemy ? I don't want to believe that the reason is either political correctness or just plain stupidity. If the baker was using your bread money to make bombs and throw them at you, would you continue to buy more bread from him ? Would you let him keep throwing bombs at you rather than hurt his family by throwing bombs back ? Well, that's what we're doing by sending foreign aid as well as buying oil from these countries that are either sympathetic with the muslims or in league with them. The United States has a lot of enemies throughout the world. Most of this hatred for America is our own doing and can eventually be reversed. The one place that there is no chance of slowing it down ever is in the dedication to the duties as prescribed in the koran by ignorant muslims that either have never read it or don't really understand it.
I'm amazed that it took a couple of filthy goat herders sitting in a desert cave, with their heads wrapped in rags to figure out how to eliminate the United States by just draining them of all their money. Since muslims have no value on life, it doesn't matter to them how many die in this pursuit to kill America.
Don't believe me, just open your eyes and look yesterday with today and then again tomorrow. I hope you know what to do about it. If not, ask !