Friday, March 09, 2007

Global Warming...

We all have been hearing a lot about Global Warming and the pros and cons about it. In my curiosity, I've read and listened to both sides of the argument. As part of my "looking into" this subject, I recently watched Al Gore's "documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth".
I'd like to review this movie.
The production value was excellent for a documentary. Although he used the issue of Global Warming as a theme for the movie, it really was an egotistical display of Al Gore; with "heartwarming inserts about him , his life and his family", none of which has anything to do with Global Warming. It is a subtle Al Gore Promo.

It shows glaciers "calving" off...this has always happened. As a glacier moves (and they do move), the outer edges tend to weaken and break away. Global Warming would have them melting.

Gore then talks about losing the election...what's that got to do with Global Warming ?

He talks about the floods in China as though they were not purposely produced in the construction of a huge dam and all of the villages and towns along the river's path were evacuated months before the controlled flooding began. This had nothing to do with Global Warming.

A major source of greenhouse gases comes from farm animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, etc.) farting. This actually accounts for approximately 20% of the gases going into our atmosphere.

He then shows a slick little "feel good" piece about his childhood. What's that got to do with Global Warming ?

In the movie, Gore talks about the permafrost moving...It always is in movement. Global Warming hasn't caused this to start.

As far as his representation about the last ice age, he assumes that the cycle has ended. Actually, we're nearing the end of the most recent ice age and glaciers are still melting as they have for the past few thousand years.

He talks about species disappearing and new species expanding. Hasn't this been going on since the formation of the earth ? Of course, the larger, less adaptable life forms have always given way to the more adept, smaller life forms. Evolution lets the best of the best (in terms of adaptability) survive.

The movie shows Antarctica melting away at its edges. Of course this is happening...the center of Antarctica is growing thicker, thus forcing the thinner ice at the edges to move out into warmer waters.

He talks about a 20 foot rise in the oceans and shows projections of coastlines and cities being wiped out and under water. The truth is that if all of the ice above sea level melted, the oceans would rise only 17 inches. This has been documented at almost every university in the world.

In his lecture, Gore talks about the major polluters. His figures are skewed and the actual major polluters (per capita) are China, India and Europe. The United States has produced and uses more technology to reduce pollution than any other country in the world.
As far as polluting the rivers and the ground, every third world country produces more pollution than any industrialized country.

Gore then tells us that 30% of the pollutants going into the air is from forest burning. (1) This number is untrue, and (2) in nature, forests are always put on fire by lightning. If man was not here, the forests would burn down (and regrow) anyway.

A real "boo hoo" insert is about how his father was a tobacco grower and stopped when he found out that cigarettes cause cancer. What his family did instead was raise cattle which are the major source of air pollutants.

Gore then sites the hundreds of journals that validate his theories. He disregards the fact that everyone that said the earth was not the center of the universe or that the earth was not flat, were burned at the stake as heretics. Why would any scientist risk his career by speaking against the large Global Warming conspiracy ?

In this movie, there is a short scene in which Gore is sitting at a desk with his head in his hands, muttering "what am I going to do now", after he lost the election. Duh ! Why not get on the lecture circuit ? Like so many others that give seminars about self improvement, getting rich, beating the casinos, holistic medicine, etc.; Gore goes all over the world lecturing about Global Warming and getting paid more in one day than most of us make in a year. He hasn't anything better to do.

He wants us to cut back on our lifestyles by using less electricity. If you look at Gore's annual electricity consumption, you'll find that he uses 14 times the national average. He justifies his overconsumption but condemns everyone else's useage.

The real issue is our oil dependency and by perpetrating a Global Warming hoax, people might be frightened into finding other energy sources... That's what this is really about.

In this movie, Gore says that we (the people of the United States) solved the holes in the ozone layer. That's absurd !

He then talks about the pollutants from automobile emissions, saying that China is way ahead of us in this. Even though his cars are huge polluters, he wants you and me to drive unreliable, uncomfortable, unsafe cars from China.

I was caught in the middle of deciding about the Global Warming issue; and after seeing this movie, I'm convinced that it's a huge hoax designed to make a lot of money for those that are screaming "the sky is falling". Since 96% of the greenhouse gases produced in the world are from natural causes (man made gases account for less than 4%), there isn't much that can be done about it unless we want to completely attack nature and wipe it out, killing ourselves in the process.
Bottom line for me is that Al Gore is a fraud, spewing cleverly orchestrated speeches and fear mongering. This movie has me now convinced that the Global Warming scare is not real and is a hoax.