Monday, November 20, 2006

More money...more money...

OK, the midterm elelections are over. You that voted have decided to make a (minor) change in things. You that didn't vote have acknowledged that you really don't care.

Well, for starters; that overblown Senator Kennedy from Mass. has decided that the minimum wage is too low at $5.15/ hr. He wants to raise it to $7.25/ hour. Doesn't that sound great ?
Wrong !
Why not make it $20/ hr. or $100/ hr. ? Every time that a minimum wage is impossed or raised, the cost of products and services increases proportionately, entry level workers become unemployed and there are less entry level jobs available.
It really makes no difference if the federal minimum wage is raised...can a family live any better on any "minimum wage" if costs and taxes wipe out the difference ?
Real Life Fact: The poor will always be poor.
The only reason to give them freebies is to "buy" their votes. The rich already get their freebies because they were "bought" a while ago.

Another freebie is the 25% invrease in PELL grants. Now, the taxpayer gets to pay for free college education of those in prison while their own children have to pay for their own education. What a great can commit some crime that puts them in prison for a few years, get free housing, food, medical, etc. and come out with a college degree with no debt.

The new Congress also wants to cut interest rates on student loans. Why not ? Most of them go unpaid anyway.

Do you see what's happening yet ??? I told you to go vote...I told you to vote out every incumbnant. You didn't listen and now you will see an increase in taxes and prices...not to mention amnesty (under another name)for illegals.

Well you get another chance to make it right in two years...DO THE RIGHT THING !!!