Saturday, August 12, 2006

A silent problem

With all the turmoil surrounding the most recently "thwarted" terrorist plan, a very alarming piece of information that has been kept "under wraps", has surfaced.

There is a lot of concern about the illegal Mexicans in this country. There is a problem related to this...there are schools in Iran that are teaching terrorists the Spanish language.
Since they closely resemble some Mexicans (darker skin, black hair, facial features, etc.), it will make it easy for islamic terrorists to sneak across our border (with the illegal Mexicans) and hide within the Latino community.

Now this sounds minor because you might assume that there would be very few of them actually doing this. Remember, it only takes one suicide bomber to kill hundreds in a shopping mall, airport terminal, stadium, etc.

But that is only the "tip of the iceberg". What really concerns me is a little known incident that took place in 1990. At that time, there were 150,000 illegal muslims in this country and, President Clinton gave them all amnesty. They, and their families continue to live here, draw on our public services, go to their mosques and have "sleeper cells" throughout the United States.

The enemy (islam) is already entrenched here and it's just a matter of time before they start to kill and blow up buildings. If you have any doubt about this; go to your nearest mosque and listen to the hateful banter of their leaders; look around and see the faces agreeing about the destruction of the United States.
Now, with the terrorists already in this country and studying Spanish, the threat increases tremendously.

If there ever was a time to reinstate (it was in effect during WWII) racial profiling. Although this wouldn't eliminate all of the terrorists that are here now, it would greatly limit their numbers and stop virtually all that are arriving by plane each day.
Look around your local Community Colleges and see the number of muslims in Spanish classes and you too will become alarmed. I know, you say why shouldn't an arab that's here legally be allowed to study whatever they problem, everyone should be able to study anything that they choose. The problem is that the islamics are up to no good. Notice that there are hundreds that come here on student visas and never show up at any school. The FBI is searching for 11 "students" that registered at a university in Minnesota and never showed up after entering this country.

How many islamics have you heard of that are alerting our authorities that there are subversives in their midst ? Ans: NONE. It is very difficult to keep a plot involving more than three people a secret from everyone that they know or associate with.

By increasing security at the airports won't eliminate this islamic threat...every muslim's DUTY is to convert, enslave or kill anyone that isn't an islamic believer. Yes, their "religion" is one of peace and love...but only to other islamics. It is totally intolerant of any other beliefs. Every muslim is duty bound (by their "religion") to completely eliminate any beliefs other than islam from anywhere on the planet. Just look at what they're doing to their black "brothers" in Africa that are not muslims.

One must understand that over 90% of muslims throughout the world can not read and are told "what is in the koran" by the leaders of their mosques and communities. Since there are over 1.5 billion of them worldwide, it will be a monumental task to either eliminate them or (if possible) re-educate them.

The threat is here and we must do something (regardless of how politically incorrect) about it as soon as possible, before they start hurting our population. Don't think that because you don't live in a large population center that you're safe. They have set up "sleeper cells" in hundreds of small cities and towns in every state. You, your family and friends are their next target. If you choose to sit back and do nothing about this threat, you are giving them permission to excercise their terrorist acts. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE !