Friday, March 31, 2006

The Final Solution

Looking at America today, I see that there is an addiction to both "cheap oil" and "cheap labor".
On the issue of oil; we are so dependent on it for our daily lives that we're willing to give up other things in order to pay the ever increasing prices for it. If this continues, eventually we will be giving up food and shelter to purchase oil (and oil products).
On the issue of labor; we have become dependent on illegal (note the word ILLEGAL) aliens to become our labor force. You might say that they are taking the jobs that no one else wants...that is untrue. In some areas of the country, they are earning over $80,000 a year in the construction trades. What 16 year old wouldn't want a job at a fast food joint to start earning money ?

THE SOLUTION...(ta da)
Since we are well positioned in the middle east, we can constitute a ban on private ownership of weapons in that area to reduce the violence. Although we disagreed with Hitler, his gun control of Germany was very effective. Anyone with a gun or other weapon (bomb, knife, etc.) would be put in a labor camp and made to rebuild the infrastructure in the area; if they shot at anyone, they would be immediately shot.
Once we've removed the guns from the people, most of the "insurgents" would be caught up in this and there would only be a minimal amount of violence from small groups that we would eventually extinguish.
Now we can give contracts to our friends (and corporations) to build roads, pipelines, etc. in order to keep "cheap oil" flowing. The only problem is that we now need a labor force to run and maintain the oil wells and pipelines. Since no muslims can be trusted to not sabotage the oil flow, we need to bring in a labor force that would never hurt its source of income. That labor force would be the 12 million illegal aliens in this country.
By rounding them up and providing free transportation to the middle east, we would the have the oil companies train them and give them those good paying jobs over there.
This solves two major problems (1) cheap oil continues to flow, and (2) we get our country back from the invasion of people from other countries that are not here with any legal purpose.
I know, you're screaming that this is either politically incorrect or it's unconstitutional. If we don't stop all this political correctness, we are doomed to become a third rate nation that is catering to the whims of those who would spend your money on the non-productive.
Yes, the cost of labor would increase in this country and there would be virtually no unemployment...but that would be far better than letting the muslims bleed us dry by increasing oil prices and controlling its flow until we became so poor and helpless that any large faction of illegal aliens could take over our country.
We are the "frog in the pot of water that is about to boil". As I write this, our President is being told "where to shove it" by the President of Mexico of the issue of border control. The illegal aliens in this country are starting to take over the population and edging their way into political positions. As I write this, the arabs are slowly increasing the price of oil; and this increase will not stop until the rest of the world is broke.
Both groups are trying to take over our country, each in a different way. They both are gaining ground in their efforts.
So, what can you do about it ? Turn in every illegal alien (and their employers) to the proper authorities, and make life unbearable for any muslim in this country. In addition, spend a few minutes (and 39 cents) to write to your representatives and our President, telling them that you're fed up and here is the solution to two large problems in the United States. If you don't do something IMMEDIATELY, your way of life will be soon disappearing. If you don't do something, then you are a part of the problem.
Stand back and look at the "big picture"...hundreds of thousands of protestors in our streets wanting us, the U.S. taxpayer to pick up their medical, educational, housing, etc. costs. Notice the price of oil increasing over the past 10 years, way beyond the rise in other costs.
Are you so lethargic (or stupid) that you can't see what's happening; or don't you care ? Both of these issues are affecting your life. Here are the it's up to us all to make it happen.