Friday, October 28, 2005

Wolves & Bears...Halloween candy...and more...

I've been standing back and taking a loooong look at the world. What I'm seeing is a conglomerate of absurdities. Now don't get me wrong; I appreciate most of the everyday absurdities probably more than most of you, like why we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway, but some are "outside" of acceptable.
An example is that we are constantly telling our children to NEVER take candy from strangers. However, on Halloween, we send them out into a dark street with other kids that we don't know and let them knock on strangers doors, asking for candy. What the heck is that about ?
Here's a "biggee"...We let our children play with and love their Teddy Bears while we tell them about the Big Bad Wolf. Wolves don't attack or eat people; bears do !
We have the strongest and most powerful war machine on the planet, capable of winning any war in a weekend. What the heck are we doing with troops on the ground in the middle east ?
We have lawsgainst suicide, but no law against attempted suicide.
I wonder what the penalty is if you're caught having committed suicide. Do they bury you in prison ?
Another big one is that while the rest of the world is building up its arms and war personnel, we are minimizing ours. That seems like a "great way" to put ourselves in harms way.
Best of all is how we spend our taxpayer dollars. Most of my life, I've hardly ever noticed much of the gov't. spending on anything that affected me. Billions are "thrown away" on projects and special interests that less than 1 percent of the people get any benefit from.
...and, speaking of money; how much more can the gov't. spend before we run out of money and they have to print more ? We're already the largest debtor nation in the world. All that has to happen is that Japan or Saudi Arabia cash in their U.S. bonds and treasury notes and the U.S. is not only penniless but is bankrupt.
The only thing that is stopping them is that it would cause the world to come to a "screeching halt" and anarchy would break out worlwide.
What I'm amazed at is watching the two political parties trying to devour one another instead of running the country. Why did you vote for the "representative" that you did ? They aren't interested in you, only your vote so they can end up with a great pension, paid for by you. We have a war going on, huge monetary problems; and no one seems to be doing much to resolve these issues. Washington is caught up in the Democrats and Republicans fighting each other like kids in the school yard that would rather have fights than be in the classroom, learning. If any of you vote for any incumbents again, you deserve what you get. There is no one in public office that should be allowed another term. Not one of them is there to serve you.
Another absurdity is our alliances. Other than England, what big industrialized country are we aligned with ? All of the countries that are our "friends", are only that because we give them financial aid. Stop the flow of taxpayer money and we stand alone.
A really ridiculous one is the "charitable giving" for the Tsunami, Katrina, Pakistan earthquake, etc. Hardly any of your donations will ever reach the intended destination that you had in mind.
Bottom line is that we've had a great "ride" for over 200 years and all good things must come to an end. You will soon see that your lifestyle, your income, your safety, your health, your freedoms, etc. are all going away. Unless there is a great "turnaround" in our gov't., and we build up our armed forces, instigate large pre-emptive attacks in the Middle East, the Orient, South America and Africa, we are doomed as a nation and world power. Your only survival now depends on your speaking Chinese or Arabic.
You political correctness and your laziness in paying attention to what your gov't. is doing has led you to this point.
Now, what are you going to do about it...probably nothing. Then get ready to curl up and die...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Katrina donations & FEMA money...

Well, the reports are starting to come in now...
Where is the money going ?
(1) Other than the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities, the bulk of your donations (especially to the Red Cross) are going to those organizations "administrative costs".
(2) The FEMA money is buying large flat-screen TVs, new cars, cruises, hi-tech toys, designer clothes, etc.
(3) The cash given is being spent in strip bars for booze and lap-dances and prostitutes.
There are hundreds of these examples being reported.
What about FEMA paying $150/ day to house these people in hotels where they are bitching about "no room service", running up huge "pay per view" bills for porn, bitching about the FREE meals not being available 24/7, maid service only 3 times a week, etc.
(4) The so called "victims" are trashing the places that they are being put up in. One local hotel reported people actually leaving their urine and feces in the hallways. Another hotel has all its railings broken and holes in walls and doors. There are hundreds of these stories coming in all the time.
I could give dozens and dozens of additional examples but it would bore you.
Don't you feel really stupid for giving away your money for what you thought was a good cause and now know that very little of it is actually being used for what it was intended ? On the bright side, you've filled the bank accounts of many organizations and helped buy luxury items for thousands of people. You must have a lot of money to "burn" to be giving it away to these ingrates.
I personally have spoken to people that never have been to New Orleans that lied and have gotten charity money and FEMA checks and are laughing all the way to Best Buy and Circuit City...
As far as I'm concerned, I will NEVER donate another cent again for any cause. If I choose to help someone, I'll put the money in their hand and that way I'll know at least who has it. The only other control that I can have is to take someone to a restaurant to feed them. I housed 3 people during this catastrophe and they were very grateful; however, that is the exception...not the rule.
I feel ripped off of any money that I contributed and will NEVER, NEVER do that again. I know; the people that really do deserve the money and will use it correctly are now penalized by all those others, but that's just too damn bad. What this has taught me is to take my "charity dollars" and buy all the things I might need should a disaster hit my home. I'll be prepared and won't need to even mingle with the ungrateful, dishonest hordes.
All you really need is a tankful of gas, your checkbook, a credit card, your family and dog, and everyone armed to protect yourself.
You, reading this might think that I'm being too negative; well after seeing and hearing about all this nonsense, if you want to continue to be a part of all go ahead. Just don't come crying to me for any of my money.
Besides feeling stupid for thinking that I was actually helping, I'm really pissed off at being conned...

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Abortion is an issue that has forced us into opposing sides and politically divided this country. The meanings of words like "pro-life" are deceiving in that it infers that those opposed are "anti-life".
Actually, where I have a problem with the abortion issue is that I can't understand why the gov't. is involved with making and repealing laws on an issue that is not for politicians as it is a moral or religious issue and has nothing to do with running the country.
Another confusing point is that of who is really qualified to make a decision about having an abortion. Since it is the female that must go through the physicalness of a pregnancy, shouldn't this be a female issue and decision ? Until a male can carry and deliver a child, the only time that they might have a say in this issue is if they are the prospective father; and even then, does the sperm donor really have the final word ?
Several "watchdog" organizations have done studies and they have come up with the same results as to what the monetary cost of abortion is. Since the Roe v. Wade decision, the amount that our gov't. has paid out (our tax dollars at work) for abortions is more than what it has paid out in Social Security payments during this same period of time.
I propose that the gov't. get out of the abortion business by neither passing laws dealing with abortion or funding abortions. The money that would have been spent for these abortions could then be put into an account that would fund Social Security; thus solving two important problems. There are hundreds of religious and publicly supported organizations that are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion and they could either help pregnant woman with the decision making and/ or funding, thus keeping abortion a private matter and one less thing for the rest of us to have to deal with.
It doesn't matter which side of this issue you are on; if you have an opinion about it, then you're obligated to write to your representatives to tell them not to vote for any more laws dealing with abortion. You might also add that you'd like the money that the gov't. spends on abortions each year to be set aside to fund Social Security.